Senin, 20 November 2017

The Power of Basmalah


    Today twenty first of Nopember 2017, I begin to entri my first article entittled "Basmalah". why is it so? because it's important sentence to start an activity. beside it, it's called by millions moslems in the world every day. 
    Our Prophet Muhamad Saw sai in one hadits" Kullumri'in laa yubda fiihi bi bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim fa huwa abtar aw aqtha aw ajdzam". it's mean that every activity if it isn't begun by basmalah, it's no barakah.
    Basmalah makes me understand to memorize the virious things that I received from Allah SWT.
I realize that Allah always give the best things for All his Servant of Allah. although sometimes we consider it's not good, it's impossible, it's far for me to reach that, but for Allah all are easy. Believe or not by reading Basmalah, our hearth is quite enough, by reading basmalah our problem is not difficult.
So, always be happy to hang up this life with Basmalah. in syaa Allah